PT PLN (Persero) or PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) is an Indonesian government-owned corporation which has a monopoly on electricity distribution in Indonesia.
Our Operations
In the first half of 2011, the PLN generated 88 terawatt-hours (TWh). The firm generated around 24% of its output using oil-based fuel with plans to reduce the share to 3% by 2013 and 1.7% by 2014. The forecast for the full year (2011) is around 182 tWh (equivalent to around 760 kWh per capita).
In the first half of 2011, the PLN generated 88 terawatt-hours (TWh). The firm generated around 24% of its output using oil-based fuel with plans to reduce the share to 3% by 2013 and 1.7% by 2014. The forecast for the full year (2011) is around 182 tWh (equivalent to around 760 kWh per capita).
Capacity and organisation
An the end of 2011, the PLN's total generating capacity (produced by a large number of different plants across Indonesia) was estimated at around 28,500 MW. In 2012, a combined capacity of 3,351 megawatts will come online from 23 new power plants.
An the end of 2011, the PLN's total generating capacity (produced by a large number of different plants across Indonesia) was estimated at around 28,500 MW. In 2012, a combined capacity of 3,351 megawatts will come online from 23 new power plants.
Our Management
The PLN is Indonesia's second-largest state company by assets. The top level management, headed by the president director, reports to a government-appointed board. The board and the PLN management in turn report to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Recent president directors of PLN have been:
Our Service
The reliability and quality of electricity supply has steadily improved in Indonesia in recent decades. Supply is more reliable in Java because the grid is relatively well-developed compared to the situation in the Outer Islands (such as Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan) where most areas are serviced by localised systems often powered by small diesel plants. However power outages are still common, even in Java . There was, for example, a particularly severe power outage in 2005 which reportedly affected around 100 million people across Java and Bali for over five hours.
The PLN is Indonesia's second-largest state company by assets. The top level management, headed by the president director, reports to a government-appointed board. The board and the PLN management in turn report to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Recent president directors of PLN have been:
Our Service
The reliability and quality of electricity supply has steadily improved in Indonesia in recent decades. Supply is more reliable in Java because the grid is relatively well-developed compared to the situation in the Outer Islands (such as Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan) where most areas are serviced by localised systems often powered by small diesel plants. However power outages are still common, even in Java . There was, for example, a particularly severe power outage in 2005 which reportedly affected around 100 million people across Java and Bali for over five hours.
Career Opportunities at PT PLN (Persero) in February 2012
ACCEPTANCE OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES AT PT PLN (PERSERO) IN 2012 - High school degree/ equivalent and Vocational school graduates
In order to meet manpower needs, PT PLN (Persero) requires labor of high school/ equivalent and SMK level with the available positions in Sumatera Utara areas as follows :
In order to meet manpower needs, PT PLN (Persero) requires labor of high school/ equivalent and SMK level with the available positions in Sumatera Utara areas as follows :
- Junior Operator/ Junior Technician in the field of Electric Power Distribution (DIS) : SMA IPA/ SMK Electrical Engineering
- Junior Operator/ Junior Technician in the operation of the state-voltage (PDKB) : SMA IPA/ SMK of Electrical Power Lines/ Electrical
- Junior Operator/ Junior Technician in the field of Power Plants (KIT) : SMA IPA/ SMK Mechanical/ Electrical/ Chemical
General Requirements :
- Male, single, and willing not get married during in the training of prajabatan
- Graduated from High School/ Vocational School/ equivalent or Student on the 12nd grade
- High School/ equivalent in science majors (IPA) or SMK in majors as it is written in terms of education (see requirements at each position above)
- Only for participants who have graduated : The average results of National Examination (SKHUN) of at least 6.5 (six point five)
- For 12nd grade student participants : Value of report cards for the subjects of mathematics and physics at least 6.5 (six point five). Note : If the participant does not pass the National Exam in 2012, then the participant disqualified
- Maximum age 20 years old, up to February 29th, 2012
- Minimum body height 155 cm, PDKB = 160 cm
- Body weight is proportional to height (BMI up to 28)
- Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind
- No tattoo(es) and not pierced
- Not tied to any working institution
- Not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances
- Pass the selection process, which includes : selection and administration, physical tests, academic tests, Psychotest, Health Tests, Interviews and Prajabatan Training
Special Requirements :
- Preferably come from the population in the working area of PT PLN (Persero) region of North Sumatera and evidenced by the KTP
- Healthy bodied (laboratory standards), not color blind, no night blindness, no glasses, and do not smoke
Recruitment Process
How to Apply ?
Application file sent from the population in the PLN's working area of North Sumatera to the valid mail address of the company refer to PT PLN (Persero) - Sumatera Utara area recruitment
Please submit your application with no more than February 29th, 2012 to the following address below.
PO BOX 2000
Terms and Completeness of the application file :
- Cover letter addressed to : PT PLN (Persero)
c.q. Kepala Divisi Pengembangan SDM & Talenta - Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Copy of legalized diploma (for participants from 12nd grade student, which copy of legalized certificates submitted at the time of the final stage of selection)
- Copy of Certificate of National Exam Results (SKHUN) legalized (for participants from 12nd grade student, which copy of legalized SKHUN submitted at the final stage of selection)
- Copy of the 5th semester report card that is legalized (for 12nd grade student only)
- Copy of legalized birth certificate the Civil (Catatan Sipil)
- Copy of Identity Card (For those who do not have any ID card, please attach Certificate from Village/ Surat Keterangan dari Kelurahan)
- Recent color photograph size 4 × 6 cm (3 pieces)
- A statement (above the stamp/ materai) stating that : Not engage in drug abuse and other addictive substances, and no criminal action involved, Not married yet and willing not to get married during the training of prajabatan, Not bound with the other institutions work
Job Note :
- The appplication file which is incomplete or not in accordance with the requirements that have been specified will not be processed further.
- The entire application file to be inserted into the folder with the following conditions : For participants who had graduated, using color map BLUE, For the 12nd grade student participants, using the color map RED
On the map, please write down the name and title of job position selection (you are allowed to choose 2 positions). Then insert the map into a brown envelope.
Examples of writing on the map :BUDI SANTOSO
2. KIT
Job Reference : Announcement of the passed administration is on March 6th, 2012 at and
P. S. : The official job annoucement has been provided at the link provided below.
LoKerSPOT | Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Februari 2012 - Swasta CPNS BUMN
Orignal From: Recruitment PT PLN (Persero) February 2012