Fresh Ideas for Decorating a Bas Room
Article by Terry
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Expecting couples are often deluged with information, tips and advice from family, friends and well-wishers. Unfortunately, all of the information rarely covers decorating the baby's room. Many people struggle to come up with fresh ideas or even any ideas at all. Here's some ideas that will get you started and help to put everything in context.
As tempting as it might seem to run out and buy everything in sight, it's important to remember to not overly clutter the baby's room. Keep furniture and toys to a minimum, especially for a newborn. A common baby room, for example, is fully furnished with a crib, changing table, storage shelf or dresser and a rocking chair. Remember, once your baby becomes mobile, he'll be crawling, not walking. Keep the floor space open and safe for your baby. This will improve both the aesthetics and the livability of the baby room.
Choose a Theme
For a baby room to really take on a unique aesthetic appeal, you'll need to pick a central theme. It's no good to have panda bear wallpaper (black and white) with a yellow crib, blue carpeting and green drapes. Pick a color theme and perhaps add an image-based theme. Common image-based themes tend to be things like horses, seascapes and character-inspired themes. Keep color themes light and breezy. Remember, even though this is going to be a child's room, it should still look relatively nice to adult eyes.
Go Carpeted
As lovely as hardwood floors are, your baby will vastly prefer carpeting. Not only will it be more comfortable for her in terms of crawling, but it's also an added safety feature. If your baby takes a spill in her baby room, for any reason, carpeting will help to pad her fall and save her from potential injury.
Decorate for Gender
If you aren't aware of your baby's gender due to personal preference, that's fine. Don't decorate the baby room based on a hunch or guess, though. Instead, either decorate in neutral colors, such as yellow or green, or wait to decorate your baby's room until after the birth. You can always keep the crib in another room for the short term and move it into the baby's own quarters after decoration is complete.
Decorate Around the Crib
Remember, the crib is going to be the central fixture of the baby room. Everything else needs to flow around it naturally. Pick your crib out first and then decorate the rest of the baby's room around it.
Terry Metcalfe writing on behalf of Heritage Flooring specialists in Real Wood Flooring and interior design.
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Terry Metcalfe writing on behalf of Heritage Flooring specialists in Real Wood Flooring and interior design.
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.
Via: Fresh Ideas for Decorating a Bas Room