Ba Room Toys Guidelines
Article by Melissa Deschamps
Baby Room Toys Guidelines - Family - Parenting
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In a baby room, every parent is tempted to purchase toys that they fancy. Toys are cute things that entertain a bored child through playing. There are many of these created on a daily basis. However, there has been a surprising increase in the number of injuries caused by toys. One of them is choking, which is commonly seen in children less than 3 years old as they tend to eat everything they hold.
Now that the rapid increase in this incidence is now attended, manufacturers have created provisions in creating toys and labelling the appropriate age group for each of these.
When you are shopping for toys, here are some guidelines that can help you choose the best without any potentially harmful risks.
- Stuffed animals must have washable features.
- Coloring or other art materials should have a non-toxic label.
- Buy only toys with paint and should never contain lead.
- ASTM D 4236 is what you should look for prior to buying paints and coloring materials. (This indicates that the materials have been inspected, evaluated, and approved in accordance to the standards of American Society for Testing and Materials.)
- Toys with fabric material must have a label stating whether it is flame retardant or resistant.
Additional useful information about choosing toys for the baby room:
- DO NOT use second hand or hand-me-down toys from even your closest loved one.
- DO NOT buy toys with strings or cords.
- DO NOT give him little stuff like marbles and coins.
- DO NOT choose toys made of thin plastic.
- DO make sure if the sound emitted by the toy is not loud enough.
- DO read the label for age recommendations.
- DO assess your child whether he is mature enough to play with the toy or not.
- DO look for durable toys that can withstand the rough treatment of children.
At the end of the day, no manufacturer guidelines or safety rules that can prevent injury from happening to your child. Perhaps the best way in preventing any toy-related incident in a baby room is to watch over him/her as he plays with these toys.
Melissa Deschamps is a mom who loves to cook, chat with her friends, research cool new items, and surf the web. Above all, she enjoys spending time with her family and playing with her kids. In her spare time, she writes articles about her interests and shares her experiences of parenthood on
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Melissa Deschamps
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Melissa Deschamps is a mom who loves to cook, chat with her friends, research cool new items, and surf the web. Above all, she enjoys spending time with her family and playing with her kids. In her spare time, she writes articles about her interests and shares her experiences of parenthood on
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whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.
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