PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (Vale) is a subsidiary of Vale, the world's second biggest mining company headquartered in Brazil. Established in Indonesia in 1968, this company (formerly PT International Nickel Indonesia or PT Inco) has been committed to continuously provide optimum results and benefits to its stakeholders.
Vale strives to unite the sense and awareness of the entire Vale communities with a single vision, mission and collective set of values. We are committed to become a profitable company, a safe place to work with a pleasant environment, and a company that respects local culture and community.
In optimizing the results and benefits to stakeholders, Vale is committed to enhance its long-term growth strategy. The strategy was prepared by taking all challenges into consideration as well as opportunities at the global, national, regional and local levels.
Vale strives to unite the sense and awareness of the entire Vale communities with a single vision, mission and collective set of values. We are committed to become a profitable company, a safe place to work with a pleasant environment, and a company that respects local culture and community.
In optimizing the results and benefits to stakeholders, Vale is committed to enhance its long-term growth strategy. The strategy was prepared by taking all challenges into consideration as well as opportunities at the global, national, regional and local levels.
Jobs Offers at PT Vale Indonesia Tbk - March 2012
We’re proud to be benchmark for Efficiency, Real Growth, Sustainability and Reputation.
We are now looking for professional and talented candidates to join us as :
SSO Finance
(Code : SF-EN)
Position Requirements
- Graduate in Accounting in Reputable Unisersity.
- 3 years working as accountant include: 2 years in costing and budgeting & 1 years in other area of accounting.
- Fluent communication in English (minimal level 3).
Position Responsibilities
Purpose of the role:
To assist Manager of Expatriate Payroll and Expat administration in doing day to day cash and activities; banking, Tax , to make the payment and reporting to meet the requirement of Shared Service Organization compliance. For accounting purposes, he or she will need to manage all of Jakarta office account payables, payment, reconciliation and its accounting related matters.
Purpose of the role:
To assist Manager of Expatriate Payroll and Expat administration in doing day to day cash and activities; banking, Tax , to make the payment and reporting to meet the requirement of Shared Service Organization compliance. For accounting purposes, he or she will need to manage all of Jakarta office account payables, payment, reconciliation and its accounting related matters.
- Carry out administration and payment of cash advance and expense claim.
- To submit report Jakarta office’s daily disbursement.
- To submit accounting routine activities for Jakarta office, including prepare and enter all the related accounting joural entries and bank reconciliation, include journal entries for payroll.
- To maintain corporate credit cards
- To prepare & complete both corporate & cardholder application form, final agreement both corporate & bank card issuer and corporate & cardholder, distribute card to cardholders
- Receives billing statements each month & prepare accounting journal entries. Distribute billing statement to cardholders
- Follow up settlements to each cardholder & prepare accounting journal entries
- To prepare tax payment and reporting to meet all Jakarta office compliance
- Manage Income Tax & Corporate Tax Payment
- Create Electronic Surat Setoran Pajak (eSSP) as the above payment’s supporting documents
- Report to Large Tax Office of both tax payment & the related documents
(Code : CH-ER)
Position Requirements
- S1 Graduated from recognized University majoring in Chemistry
- Fluent speaking and writing English
- Certified for ISO 17025 training
- Preferable experience with Instrumental Analysis (AAS, UV/Vis, ICP Spectrometer, XRF Spectrometer, LECO, Bomb Calorimeter, etc).
- Knowledge on Applied Statistic
Position Responsibilities
Purpose of the role:
Purpose of the role:
Provide technical support and expertise to the Laboratory (including Sample House) and Plant Operation regarding sampling, physical and chemical analysis. And, act as quality control on Laboratory outputs.
- Develop and validate Standard Operational Procedures in sampling, preparation and analytical activities.
- Plan, establish and evaluate the calibration program of sampling, sample preparation and analytical equipments.
- Assist Lab Manager to develop the skill of people by participation in transferring new method or technology. Provide necessary training for people.
- Work collaterally with engineers in Operation and Process Technology to run developmental projects.
- Set up, plan and execute short and long term projects on sampling and analytical areas. Including coordination of manpower required to run the test, under assistance of Laboratory Manager.
- Plan, organize, and evaluate laboratory participation in proficiency test or external round robin to cross check laboratory precision and accuracy.
- Establish and approve the laboratory quality system documents of ISO 17025 except quality manual on various media, whether hard copy or electronic and distribute the documents to authorized personnel
- Ensure that up to date and authorized editions of appropriate documents are implemented by all personnel in the organization of laboratory and remove invalid or obsolete documents from all points of issue or use
- Maintain hardware and software systems in computers that used in the laboratory including security system, back-ups, mail, and print
- Plan, organize, and evaluate the implementation of internal audits program for all elements of quality system including analysis activities
- Where appropriate and needed, review finding of nonconformities and recommend corrective actions are taken by audit internal team in implementing of internal audit program
- Conduct follow-up audit to verify the implementation and effectiveness of internal audit corrective actions which are carried-out by auditee, if needed
- Identify the root cause(s) of the problem for non-conformity of sampling, preparation and analysis activities.
- Plan and conduct requirement of laboratory equipment, reagents and consumable materials and validate the purchasing documents of laboratory equipment, reagents and consumable materials that affect the quality of tests prior to release
- Conduct Safety Layer Audit
General Tax Accountant
(Code : F-ER)
Position Requirements
- Bachelor (S1) in Accountancy and GPA : > 2.85 (scale 4,00)
- Minimum 1 Years in Accountancy and Tax matter
- Will be advantage if holding certification BREVET A from IKPI
Technical Specialization:
- English
- Literacy in Microsoft Office applications
- Communication skills
- Familiar Financial Statement and computerized accounting system
- Tax matters especially VAT, WHT and Corporate Tax.
Position Responsibilities
Purpose of the role:
To ensure PTI complies with the all tax regulations related to the invoice processing, Contract of Work in financial obligations, and to optimize tax saving by implementing central tax and regional tax regulations correctly in day to day tax activities.
Purpose of the role:
To ensure PTI complies with the all tax regulations related to the invoice processing, Contract of Work in financial obligations, and to optimize tax saving by implementing central tax and regional tax regulations correctly in day to day tax activities.
- To receive and to process vendor’s invoices and incoming tax invoices, timely and in line with the company policy and as per tax regulation.
- To follow-up the tax problem to Vendors and Internal PT Inco customers, in order to optimizing the refundable taxes i.e. VAT and income tax.
- To make sure and administer of all tax payment with the tax invoice had paid and to contribute to Tax Reconciliation Process.
- To ensure that all tax accounts in Balance sheet already reconciled with the tax reporting and book the CTA and tax refund received.
- Filling of reported tax invoices and the back up such us transfer slip, advice of payment, Tax Payment slip ( SSP), routing slip and invoices.
- Involve in tax filing management system to ensure the readiness in facing the tax audit and Customs Audit
Application Procedures
For interested and qualified applicants, please submit your CV, recent photograph, copy of proof of work experience, copy of academic certificate (all attachment only in pdf format) via email
Job Note :
- PT Vale only processes application sent to the following email address at above link
- Position name and code MUST be written on email subject.
- Closing date is on March 19th, 2012 at 4 pm.
- Only applicants that meet requirements with complete documents as required above will be notified for further selection process
These jobs offers were originally provided by :
Recruitment Section (Human Resources Services PT INCO) - Sorowako DP.12
LoKerSPOT | Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Maret 2012 - Swasta CPNS BUMN
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk Vacancies March 2012 for Sulawesi Selatan Area