Your home is perfectly decorated to match your style. How your home looks is only half of what makes it feel like home. The feel of your home affects the way you experience your place. Creating ambiance at your place can make your home feel comfortable, stimulating, or even sexy. And you can tweak that ambiance to match the way your mood. The best way to create ambiance in your home is to have elements that speak to each sense. All five senses affect the way that you feel in a place. Think about how your place is experienced in relation to the 5 senses.
You have, no doubt, chosen the perfect furniture and decor for your home. But think about other ways you can improve the way people see your place. Natural accents like flowers, stones, and shells are all beautiful pieces that can inform your mood. Shells are relaxing. Roses are romantic. Even a landscape painting can create a connection between your home and a forest or the beach.
Smell is an important sense when it comes to your home. It can be the first thing you notice when you walk in the door. The smell of dirty shoes certainly isn't a relaxing or charming first impression. There are simple and inexpensive ways to make your home smell amazing. Plug in air fresheners, candles, and scented oils are some of my favorites.
Even touch influences the way your home feels. When choosing furniture opt for comfy pieces like inviting couches and chairs. Decorative seating is beautiful but doesn't make you or your guests feel at home..
Channel your taste buds at home by having some snacks sitting around or close at hand. Having chocolate sitting out or ready to bake cookie dough that you can throw in the oven is comforting. If you don't think you can resist when guests aren't around, try something healthy like having fresh fruit ready to pull out or nuts sitting out for guests..
Have an at home playlist. You already have playlists for the gym, relaxing, and for running errands. Why not make one for your home. Have a few playlists for when your relaxing with friends and some for when you're getting the party started. These jams will instantly inform your mood..
The way your home feels is up to you. You can make it relaxing, stimulating, or completely unique to you. Use my tips to tap into each of your senses to create the ambiance in your home!
Love my tips? Get more home ambiance pointers and read more fabulous articles at Highly Fabulous!