You likely heard the expression, it never rains - it pours. That happens every once in a while to all of us. When we are at our busiest, one more thing gets added to our list. Perhaps you have to make something for a recital, or you get a call that out-of-town company is coming. Here are some tips to diffuse that feeling of panic that starts to raise its head.
1. Make a plan, and write it down. Start planning what you will make and start making some lists. For some reason, writing it out makes you realize it is all very do-able. Seeing it written out makes you feel more in control. Make lists of what you will make, what you need to pick up, and slot a time when you will do it.
2. Keep it simple. The focus is not on what you are eating but on your time together. So if you don't have time to make a big meal, just a pot of soup will do. Or you don't have to make everything homemade. In my case, I am cooking for 9 so I will be cooking a ham. That is simple as my oven does all the work. We just pulled our garden for the winter, so we are serving fresh potatoes and carrots right from the garden.
3. Choose things you can make ahead of time. Whether you have a few hours or a day or two, plan to make ahead as much as you can. Rather than choose a green salad, I will be making a bean salad because I can make that the day before.
Plus Do as much as you can ahead of time, such as setting the table the night before. The more you can do before your guests arrive, the more calm and relaxed you will feel. Plus, it gets you in the party mood!
4. Delegate. You don't have to make everything. If you have friends or family coming, why not ask them to bring one thing, whether it be buns, salad, veggie, or pickles. It doesn't matter what it is and they won't mind. Everyone loves to contribute. After all, the joy is in giving. Plus it adds to the feeling of community.
5. Stick with tried and true. "They" say that this is not the time to experiment. "They" say to make things you know will turn out, and "they" are probably right.
But this is where I lay bare my fault. For some reason, I falter here. Every time we have company I am always making something I have never made before.
I have friends that have a repertoire of recipes and menus they fall on when company comes. Things that they could make blind-folded, I am sure. I keep thinking I should do that too, but for some reason I throw in something new. There is always some thing that caught my interest and I am dying to try. Maybe I love the spontaneity of it. I really need to be cooking for a crew all of the time rather than for just two. Cooking for just Ken and myself (we are empty nesters) doesn't allow me the opportunity to cook that much anymore. When I make a dish, we end up eating it or a week. So my pile of recipes-I-want-to-try keeps growing bigger. Getting company is an opportunity to try them out. This time I am making a new dessert, but I chose it because it is easy and I can make it the day before. So, if it doesn't turn out, I still have time to make something else.
But frankly, it doesn't bother me if something doesn't turn out. It usually is only one dish that is new and unknown, no big deal. It adds to the excitement and fun. Plus, eating at my place will never be boring. It will always be a surprise and we are learning something new, a new winner or what NOT to make.
So if you have to entertain in a pinch, following these 5 (or 4) simple steps will turn your feelings of panic into pleasurable anticipation. My guests are bringing a power point presentation of their pictures from Africa, so we are looking forward to the evening very much. Now you know who my guests are... my sister from Africa and lots of family. Oh, and we just got a call and are adding another place setting to the table... no sweat!
Elvie Look: Your Professional Organizing Coach who is helping people get organized with her easy tips and suggestions. These systems help the busy mom, businessman or woman, entrepreneur or student learn the keys to organizing in simple, actionable and manageable steps. She teaches how to get organized and maintain your organized space while carrying on your normal busy life. She is the author of "21 Steps From Chaos To Calm.