Waktu saya jalan-jalan sore ke blog teman si Kentos.web.id nemu postingan menarik tentang hosting, Yaitu Hosting gratis (free host). ini kalau ada info tentang hal-hal yang gratisan pasti langsung melek dan tersenyum manis :). Yang namanya Gratis pasti banyak dicari, termasuk buat Photo Kartun Gratis dan Keren. Hosting gratis yang disediakan oleh idesegarhosting.com ini mendukung Web control panel (cPanel).
Bagi teman-teman yang sedang mencari Hosting Gratisan mungkin idesegarhosting.com bisa menjadi pilihan tepat, kenapa tidak? disana menyediakan paket hosting Gratisan yang lumayan mantap kalau dilihat dari feature yang disediakan. ada 2 model cantik yang disediakan oleh idesegarhosting.com yang selalu siap kita pakai.
Hosting Gratis dengan Cpanel
1. Free Hosting Thin
100MB disk space
1GB traffic monthly
Web control panel (cPanel)
Easy Website Builder
No advertisements/ links
Use your domain or free subdomain
Supports HTML PHP CGI Perl, with 1 MySQL
Email account at your domain
2. Free Hosting Spacy
1.500 MB disk space
30.000 MB traffic monthly
Web control panel (cPanel)
Easy Website Builder
With advertisements or links
Use your domain or free subdomain
Supports HTML PHP CGI Perl, with 1 MySQL
Email account at your domain
Seputar Pertanyaan yang mungkin masih tertanan dalam benak kita kalau ada yang gratisan (artikan sendiri, kalau tidak bisa, pakai google Translate) :idea:
- Why it is all free? .. This project is completely supported by the dedicated server company Burst.net, so we do not pay for servers and we are able to offer this service for free! Secondly, we offer paid upgrades to premium accounts so if you want to offer more resources for your hosting.
- How many accounts I can have? Unlimited! We do not limit how many host you can have or domains you can host.
- Do you accept clients from all countries? Yes all countries are accepted! However we have a small list of “high risk” countries that have a very high fraud/abuse rate: Nigeria, China, Morocco, Russia, India, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, Turkey. Clients from these countries will be automatically limited to 500MB disk space, 5000MB data transfer and 1 MySQL database per account. This high risk country list applies only if you provide free web hosting. If you provide paid hosting, we do not have any restrictions for that.
- How long will it be free? We do not plan on charging this service anytime. We earn enough by selling premium account upgrades.
- Do you put any ads on client pages? No, we do not put any ads or banners on our client pages. we will put advertisement just for Free Hosting Spacy.
Sekian info mengenai Free Host (Hosting Gratis) yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan langsung ke Tekape Hosting Gratisan
Ngomong-ngomong Gratisan paling cocok buat coba-coba, mungkin sobat bisa menggunakan Hosting Gratisan ini untuk Tes tampilan 5 Free HTML5 Personal Wordpress Themes.
Selamat Coba-Coba.. xixiixi...
Ngomong-ngomong Gratisan paling cocok buat coba-coba, mungkin sobat bisa menggunakan Hosting Gratisan ini untuk Tes tampilan 5 Free HTML5 Personal Wordpress Themes.
Selamat Coba-Coba.. xixiixi...