Film Drama Korea memang lagi ngetrend di Indonesia, Film Drama korea ini mampu menghipnotis teman-teman kampus saya tidak tidur sampai jam 2 malam demi meghabiskan 1 serial Drama Korea terbaru.
Bagi cewek-cewek, jangan ditanya lagi kalau masalah Drama Korea, menjadi perbincangan hangat baik di kost maupun dikampus. Nah, sodara yang mau tau drama korea terbaru yang sedang tayang maupun yang akan tayang berikut ini daftar Film Drama Korea 2011-2012 :
2. Flower Boy Ramyun Shop
Title: 꽃미남 라면가게 / Kkot-mi-nam Ra-myeon-ga-ge / Flower Boy Ramyun Shop
Chinese Title: 花美男拉面店
Also known as: Flower Boy Ramen Shop
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-31 to 2011-Dec-20
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 23:00
3. If Tomorrow Comes
Title: 내일이 오면 / Nae-il-i O-myeon / If Tomorrow Comes
Chinese Title: 假如明天来临
Also Known as: When Tomorrow Comes
Genre: Family, Romance
Episodes: 50
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-29 to 2012-Apr-15
Air time: Saturday & Sunday 20:40
4. Bride of the Sun
Title: 태양의 신부 / Tae-yang-eui Sin-boo / Bride of the Sun
Chinese Title: 太阳的新娘
Genre: Romance, Family
Episodes: 100+
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-24 to 2012
Air time: Monday to Friday 8:40 AM
5. A Thousand Days’ Promise
Title: 천일의 약속 / Chunilui Yaksok / A Thousand Days’ Promise
Chinese Title: 千日的约定
Also known as: Forget Me Not / 1,000 Day Promise
Genre: Romance, melodrama
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-17 to 2011-Dec-20
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55
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