Luna Maya's lawyer open to public the SMS of Roy Suryo & Luna Maya. According to Roy, He sent the SMS before viewing the video. After seeing the video he realize the video is original.
Below, the SMS Roy Luna which was unfolded at Police Headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo, Jakarta, Friday (06/18/2010):
Luna: Yeaaaah, mas how are you? Yeah I also frankly have not saw and until now did not intend to see it too. Mas, I just want to ask for help only, if you meet the media, do not take sides. I heard it has been set up, because there is a long duration to the size of mobile phones and I don't know what to do anymore.
Roy: So, exactly how?
Luna: I feel there is someone that set this up, and I know this is fake. It's all fake.
Luna (Last SMS on June 13, 2010 Roy received): Thanks mas, God Blessed You.
Here's the SMS from of Yogyakarta origin to Luna, dated June 6, 2010.
"Good morning mbak, sorry if you are in rest but I hope not so you can reply fresher. I'm thinking so hard, how to help provide solutions to emerging problems in Indonesia. If you agree as follows: One, the week ahead let the media and people who knowingly admit or confess-IT expert commented, mbak keep silent.
Two, I'm coming home next week from Amsterdam on June 13, we created a press conference, and I hope you, Ariel and me. Just set time and place. Whatever mbak.
Third most important is that we will declare that the video is indeed fake or mbak and mas Ariel are not the couple in the video. Mbak and mas Ariel will make testimonials, and I will explain the technical details. Furthermore, we jointly report to the Jakarta Police cyber crime krimsus to find out who was first circulated. And I help colleagues in the police to trace it. Although it may be difficult to find the culprit. Agree? Okay this week we consolidated the steps and even I'm in Amsterdam please please continue the update. God willing, could be useful.