Recently, Roy has asked "Masyarakat pendukung UU Anti Pornografi" to report Foto Telanjang Rahma Azhari & Sarah Azhari to Police. “Their naked photos are everywhere, then they laughed and gone. It’s hurts people” Roy Suryo said.
Roy Suryo Strikes Back Against Rahma Azhari & Sarah Azhari
As you may read on our previous post that Rahma may plan to sue Roy Suryo for his statements related to their naked photos. Pornomatika Telematika expert Roy Suryo strikes back against Azhari sisters.
Recently, Roy has asked "Masyarakat pendukung UU Anti Pornografi" to report Foto Telanjang Rahma Azhari & Sarah Azhari to Police. “Their naked photos are everywhere, then they laughed and gone. It’s hurts people” Roy Suryo said.
[Photo credit: Sarah Azhari's Blog]
Recently, Roy has asked "Masyarakat pendukung UU Anti Pornografi" to report Foto Telanjang Rahma Azhari & Sarah Azhari to Police. “Their naked photos are everywhere, then they laughed and gone. It’s hurts people” Roy Suryo said.